Friday, February 4, 2011

Wow people actually read this? Guess I should start posting some science..

So my  blog is like blowing up and I'm pretty sure in two years there is going to be a movie made about a fat girl who does paleo and gets hot and has all of her friends do them same and then starts a worldwide revolution.  Just as long as its a musical I will sign off on it.

(thinking about getting one of these for my office)

I decided to put a great article by Whole 9Life on here about why paleoans? don't eat grains or soy or dairy.  I get asked that a lot and I try to explain it but I'm not great at the science and someone else has already done it in amazing easy to understand terms.  Among my usual suspects of paleo questions, Whole9Life is one of the BEST resources for paleo and ridiculous workouts that will make you have a rocking body and ultimately make you a better person.  Like my blog.  Here is a link to the article about why even whole grains are a no no.

I was also talking to my nutritionist yesterday (the one that works here not my personal one) and we were discussing how different people respond to diet.  I told her I had to go all out (30 days strict of paleo) and she said she would never start a person off like that.  At first I was like why not?? And then I realized she is totally right.  These 30 days have been two years in the making for me!  When I started CrossFit I didn't change my diet until 8 months in.  And I did Zone for 2 months! Yikes!  Then I found the most amazing woman, Corey, and she changed my life (apparently she like does that).  Aside from drunk eating hot dogs without the bun(which I was just amazed by) she introduced me to Paleo and I did roughly 5 or 6 days on with one or two cheat days.  I have lost 50lbs in 2 years ps.  I will post pics at the end of this month because they are kind of awesome.  So I am doing this hardcore thing after 2 years of playing with this diet.  So if you can't go all out its ok shhhh..there there...  Cutting out bread and dairy was one of the hardest things I have ever done.  And so now I am just taking it a couple steps further with all added sugar and alcohol.  So take baby steps or go all out but whatever you do just change and do it now!!! 

And also let me say thank you for reading.  I have struggled with weight for almost 10 years and I know the battle well.  If you ever need anything just private message me or for those of you with my number give me a call.  Maybe we can meet up for some wheat grass shots or something?  Possibly a coconut milk pina colada? Maybe just a lunge party...

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