Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ok Vegetarians...I am pretty damn tired of your nonsense...

Two blogs in one day What!? I have that much energy and I was pissed off by yet another vegetarian.  So yeah I'm doing it.

First of all your diet is your choice.  Just like your beliefs are your choice.  But have the science to back it up.  Want my paleo science??'s your effin science...its all there in black and white...

So vegetarians decide to be this way for a few reasons but the biggest ones seem to be health (laugh) or spiritual(don't kill the animals waa waaa:(

Let's address the first:
Being a veg is not healthy, it requires to find alternate forms of protein in dairy (bad), soy (really bad), and legumes(horrible).  Why are these things bad? First of we are the ONLY animal that continues to consume milk after we are babies.  And furthermore from an alternate source (cows).  NEWS FLASH! Cows don't even drink cow milk.  Not to mention the homoginizicpasturiffic process milk has to go through to be safe to why? I don't even want to know.  And let's hope that milk your drinking or cheese your eating or whatever doesn't come from cows with bovine growth hormone, otherwise enjoy your cancer.
You don't get me started on soy and legumes.  Just go to or and search them.  It will all be there.

Oh yeah dairy=gluten=cancer...enjoy your healthy lifestyle!

Think us meat eaters are being meanie heads to animals? How many field mice/birds/bugs/spiders(kill em all I say but still) do you think those big machines kill in order to harvest your delicious greens??? Is a cows life more important than a field mouse? OH you don't have an you don't.

"but I harvest ALL the vegetables I eat from my giant veg garden in my backyard" um no you don't and you still have to use pesticides and fertilizers to grow what you need to survive.  You are still killing insects.  But once again whose life is more important?

Whew! Ok....if you have anything else to say about this walk over and look into the mirror with a big smile...see those canine teeth?? specifically made for ripping the flesh of tasty animals apart and guys got me all worked up...i'm going to have a rare steak with a side of bacon.

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