Monday, January 31, 2011

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single salad....

So today I start the 30 day paleo challenge.  I find it kind of strange that I have never done it...some people might be surprised to hear that.  I am surprised to say it considering for the last two years I have been nagging EVERYONE about how important paleo is and how its the only way to eat.  So why am I such a lousy hypocrite??  The answer: I don't really know..but I have a few theories...

Why is it so hard to eat clean?  All it really takes is a moderate amount of effort and will power.  I stress moderate because really why is it so hard to say no to bad food and alcohol ESPECIALLY when we know it can increase our quality of life, prevent chronic illness, and make us skinny and hot.  Why is it that we can kill ourselves in the gym, put all our heart and effort into our work/family/friends/significant other..but not into our diet which really when you think about it is just our own well-being.  Why do we neglect ourselves?

One really big reason is we are physically addicted to sugar.  I mean everyone is.  If you have ever had a bowl of pasta and or a doughnut or both together at the same time (my hand is raised high), then you are probably addicted to sugar.  And being addicted physically can feel nearly impossible to overcome (see my 6 years of smoking. gross btw)  But it really only takes about a week to get over that shit so what's the real reason??? We love rewards? After a long day of putting effort into every nook and cranny of our lives the last thing we want to do is try and eat well.  All I want to do is set on my couch, have a beer and something delicious and pass out.  Because I deserve it (?) Why do I deserve it again? Oh yeah because I work hard for everyone else all day and I want to do something for myself.  Why is destroying my body and my self esteem (getting fat) doing something for myself again? Oh its not.  Its ass backwards is what it is.  Its a poor habit that needs to change.  Because when you eat clean you are rewarding yourself everyday...yeah I said it.  Eating healthy is a reward because you are saying to yourself and the world "I AM WORTH A LITTLE WILLPOWER AND LITTLE EXTRA EFFORT."

It seems backwards.  Maybe it is.  Maybe its not how you feel.  Maybe you feel like eating well and saving your own life are not worth the extra ten minutes it takes to prepare a meal or the tiny willpower required to say no to alcohol/sugar/fat/delicious pizza.  So then look at it this money, get skinny.  Satisfied?


  1. yay!! you're blogging again! You are right- it is backwards to destroy ourselves as a reward- isn't that abuse when others do it?

    We are starting the Belly Fat Cure. It fits our tight budget. Its awesome that I'm more aware now and stopped buying all the crap snacks for the kids. And they don't even notice.

  2. Be careful Kira. You cannot scientifically spot lose weight. What that means is, you lose weight all over slowly and you can't chose where it is. Unfortunately for women we mostly go head and down which means it will feel like you are losing it everywhere but your belly! Also keep in mind that cortisol is the leading cause of retaining fat around the midsection and two major things that contribute to cortisol production are poor sleep habits and stress. Take down your stress and improve your sleep by getting some sort of physical activity at least 30 min a day. Avoid caffeine and energy drinks after 2pm. Good luck and remember small changes make big differences!!!
