Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yes I'm awful and the worst blogger in history....but here it is

I realize that I finished my 30 days of Paleo almost 30 days ago.  Like I get it and you all have been waiting on pins and needles I'm sure.  To be honest with you I have been doing not such a great job since then.  I have been eating ridiculous nonsense, not working out, and being a total loser.  There are several reasons (excuses) for this.
1. I work literally like 75 hours a week and barely have time to grocery shop much less cook my food.  I could get up early and do it and work out but I struggle to wake up early because my diet is so bad and I haven't been sleeping well.  Yep, duh.

2.  I have been super broke adjusting to just working one job and I'm not kidding when I say I have had to eat on $20 for an entire week.  Yep, michaelina's lean meals are .88.  Judge away trust me I am paying the price. 

Because of my weakness as a human being and my horrible decisions I am feeling it this week.  I feel horrible, I actually have allergies, and ps right after I went off Paleo I got a horrible stomach virus and threw up for 2 days straight.  I know.. duh.

All this has shown me is of course it works but obviously you have to stick with it.  And trust me my little babies I am getting back on the horse.  Hopefully this shows you that I am not perfect, I do trip up, and I pay the price.  But don't long as you get back on it you can reverse the damage.  The problem is sticking to it when life gets in the way.  duh.

So here are my pictures.  No video because I couldn't get my imovie to do anything.  But at least you can see that I actually have done something.  These are from before I EVER started paleo to now.  Here's the proof folks.


  1. You are awesome! and your honesty is one of the traits I've always loved about you.

  2. I just read your article on Frugivore and I find your honesty so inspirational. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and now that I have 3 children I'm trying my best to be fit for them. Keep up the good work and the good writing!

  3. Hey thanks so much Wendy! I'm so glad I was able to provide some inspiration for you! Please keep me up to date on how it's going!
