Ugh the entire 30 days of straight Paleo almost a complete waste...yep that's right because I followed it up with almost 30 days of complete crap..and not working out on top of it...and so what happened you asked? I am not sleeping well..I've gotten a little fatter, slower, more bitchy and less positive. Tomorrow I turn 28 and I ask myself how far am I really from where I was 3 years ago? Because there are fundamental psychological things that I still have yet to change...
1. I am bad with money
This is a lesson I am learning the hard way. It is also my #1 excuse for when I cheat. It is cheaper and more available to go to wendy's. Plus its still delicious to me and probably always will be. Then I get in a cycle..and I can't get out. The truth is paleo is not my budget problem and when I sat down and actually looked at my finances and then went to the store and started shopping smarter I can manage. Duh. Yeah almond meal is $12 a pound. But chicken and veggies? Super cheap. Knocking out the substitutions is the best thing I ever did.
2. I love instant gratification
If it looks delicious and I'm not be held hostage by a 30 day paleo promise? I WILL eat it..and eat a lot of it. Its something I've dealt with my whole life. I am always afraid if I don't partake in something I'll be missing out. It also believe it or not has a direct impact on #1..jeez go figure all of this stuff is related.
3. I don't have time
Recently my boss did an exercise in time management. It truly was amazing. There are 168 hours in a week. Go through you're actual schedule including everything you can think of and I promise you, you will have at least 2 hours left over to make your food. The killer? Get up an hour earlier to workout/prepare for the day and see what happens.
These are really the biggest problems for me and I have been avoiding them for a while. Now I'm tackling them head on. I am tired of failing or succeeding and then failing. Its time to make some serious changes for myself. I am back on paleo and I'm also working on intermittent fasting ie. eating all my calories for the day in a 7 hour period. I'll let you know how it goes. Tomorrow when I turn 28 (i'm stopping counting after this one by the way) I will no without a doubt that I'm better off than I was because I have the knowledge and the tools to be successful. I have realized where my weaknesses lie and now I'm ready to destroy them! Come on! It'll be fun...
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