I have lived in the ATL for almost four months. I was so excited to move here as a Crossfitter because this is the home of Mike G, inventor of the butterfly pullup, and Shana Alverson, general badass, and Crossfit Atlanta one of the first boxes in the country and where yours truly got her cert. I thought it would be an awesome world where everyone loves CrossFit and loves me for doing it. I was wrong.
People here hate Crossfit and they hate me for doing it. When I tell people I am a CrossFit trainer they aren't impressed...they are appalled. The won't make eye contact and they very quickly and obviously exit the area. People hate CrossFit and after what I have heard I would too.
We forge elite fitness..we don't forge elitists. We are badasses not jack asses. Our way is the best way for us, not the only way for everyone. We have taken the humanity and the essence out of what we do. It's become "us vs. them" and we have forsaken the rest of the population that needs us. We should be leaders in the fitness community and instead we are tyrants.
I am learning quickly not all boxes are created equal. Where once I felt every box was up to my gym's standard it is now quite the opposite. My box stands alone as one of the few that doesn't train assholes, we break assholes. Over my box's door it says you promise to empty your cup of ego. Let me tell ya, in most boxes, the cup of ego overfloweth.
What are we trying to do? We are fit and always getting fitter. Shouldn't we be spreading the wealth? Not waiting for people who are brave enough to walk through our doors and then scoffing at all those who aren't. Not alienating the ones who need us most because we think we are so much better. Thinking our way is the way is counterproductive. Its not what we as CrossFitters stand for but it is what we've become. Its how people are seeing us and it has got to change.
If you do CrossFit please shut the f*&k up about how awesome you are. There is always someone better. There is always someone more fit and stronger. Quit turning your nose up at Globos and start infiltrating them with compassion and humility. Quit telling people how great you are and show them by imparting what you've discovered.
If you've never done CrossFit and you hate it because of the jackasses I'm talking about, please give it another chance. You might be surprised.