Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I've got some fish oil in my pocket and the other hand is eating a lettuce wrap!

No seriously I have fish oil in my pocket.  I have been taking it for sometime but only two capsules a day.  After using the handy dandy fish oil calculator at whole9life yesterday I realized I needed to up my dosage to 6 a day!

So day 2 is over and done and I made it jusssst fine I tell ya.  I also contacted an old friend of's a pic of him:

A spoonful of this and an ounce of coconut milk and you have an epic snack!!!

I feel like I'm in the nutritional dark ages.  I mean they ordered pizza from pizza hut yesterday for lunch at my work.  I used to have a meltdown if someone brought Diet Coke to Razor's Edge (See Rivers Powers for all my diet coke meltdown recaps).

Because I work at a gym I am constantly hearing skinny people talk about not worrying about their diet because they work out and they are skinny...
Now this goes against everything we have been told (see Jillian Michaels, try  not to vomit). But guess what? What you've been told is all a lie...(see George Orwell's 1984, or "Solyent Green")

Just because you have a great body and you're 28 years old and you work out like a maniac does not mean eating oatmeal everyday and protein shakes can't give you type 2 diabetes.  Our bodies are machines and even if it looks good on the outside there is a lot of stuff going on inside that you can't see.  But you can feel.  That's why people like Eva T and Shana Alverson (who look awesome) still Paleo.  Because Cancer is a bummer and so is alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease, chronic arthritis, allergies, acne, old age...etc....blah blah blah (does paleo help these things..why yes, yes it does)

Can skinny people get all that's listed above?? Why yes, yes they can.  So its not always about weight loss..think..preventative care.  So avoid all the processed crap, and don't EVER eat anything called Soylent Green....(it's people).

1 comment:

  1. fish oil is some good for your body stuff. I started taking it for eyes after I had a case of papilledema.
