So my good buddy and phenomenal trainer Lex has convinced me that it is a good idea for him and I to go to the CrossFit games dirty south sectional next year...I'm not sure how much crack is bad for you but however much he is smoking is seriously bad...but I agreed...because having a goal is what this stuff is all about...even if you're goal is crack smoking crazy.....
So let's talk about me moving to my new address in the PAIN ZONE.....We have all seen these athletes after this weekend and now we are like hey I wanna do that...I wanna be unstopable and unconquerable...we all do...that's supposedly why we do crossfit....however it goes deeper than that...and its all about the pain zone....
There are amazing crossfitters who have written way better articles on this stuff than I am right now and you can find them on the journal and just about anywhere...but I thought I'd bring the info straight to you...I wouldn't want you to have to get up off your ass for anything...
I can still remember my first workout where I discovered the meaning of "living in the pain zone". It was at my level 1 cert 6 months after I started crossfit. Now you might say to yourself "you did crossfit for 6 months without living in the pain zone!!! Impossible! I was living there day one!" And I would say thats what you think.... shutup and let me explain...
Lots of crossfitters visit but they never move in....lots of crossfitters think they know but they don't... It took a team WOD in Atlanta, in the summer, 110 degrees to make me realize. Because see during a team wod you can't stop...if you stop you let your team down...and for some reason I pushed myself harder for strangers than I ever did for myself....and I knew the meaning of living in the pain zone...when I got to that point where I couldn't pick up the kettlebell one more time I HAD to because my team would've lost...and I couldn't bear to think they were losing because I was "tired". So I pushed and I wanted to die but I didn't and I got it done....this is the PAIN ZONE
I admit it takes practice to be able to get there and stay there. It takes doing it over and over again. It takes ignoring your entire body and just finding the strength within you to continue...its mental baby and it takes heart not mind or a crossfit team who doesn't have rings attempting muscle up after muscle up and getting on their knees and letting their teammates stand on their backs..on the asphalt, 95 degrees, completely exhausted, and not stopping (San Francisco CrossFit)
Or a team that doesn't have ropes busting out 20 foot rope climbs even though one of them has a fear of heights and some of them never do rope climbs (Invictus)
Or a 140lb man cleaning 205 like it was his job and beating guys that have 60 lbs on him (Spealler)
These people are just people...they are...what makes them different is how they approach a workout...they don't freaking STOP! Not for water, not for injury, not for pain, not for their lungs, not for anything....and that takes heart not mind and not matter. When you get to the point you want to/need to/ have to stop just keep going...I know its crazy and your body will fight you 100% and your mind will fight you 150%...but your heart will push you forward...don't just visit the PAIN your own fucking hero....(sorry mom)
Who knew pain could sound so good... Nice blog, woman.